
Dating events for singles in Swiss bars

Meet up to 30 singles in one evening! Secure your place now - our events are often sold out!
BarFlirt Events für Singles in Bars

Meet up to 30 singles in one evening!

Just meet in a bar and flirt easily? No problem! At BarFlirt, we organize various events in different bars and bring you together. Get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere and then decide who you would like to get to know better.

BarFlirt Matching Übersicht Mobile

Next dating events

Tickets from CHF 40

Age category 27 - 45
September 19, 2024
6:30 pm
Few places available
Few places available
Age category 40 - 57
September 20, 2024
6:30 pm
Few places available
Few places available
Age category 50 - 66
October 3, 2024
6:30 pm
No seats available
Seats available
Age category 35 - 50
October 16, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Seats available
Seats available
BarFlirt Matching Übersicht Mobile

BarFlirt Locations

Dating Schaffhausen
Discover the BarFlirt events in Schaffhausen
Off to Schaffhausen
Dating St. Gallen
Discover the BarFlirt events in St. Gallen
Off to St. Gallen
Dating Winterthur
Discover the BarFlirt events in Winterthur
Off to Winterthur
Dating Zurich
Discover the BarFlirt events in Zurich
Off to Zurich

Why BarFlirt?

Live support: Your event, our mission! Team registration: Because everything is more fun in pairs! Quality instead of quantity: quality that inspires! Book? Easy and lightning fast! Regular customer discounts: because loyalty is rewarded!

Tired of being alone?
Then take your chance now and change that!

More info about BarFlirt

Still unsure whether our program is right for you? Then you can find more information here and read through our love stories that are almost too cheesy.

A few steps to new love
Register conveniently using our online form! Simply select your city and your preferred date and pay for your participation directly afterwards.
You will receive the detailed planning of the evening by e-mail one day before the event. We will inform you of the team members who will be going out with you and give you the exact times at which you will change bars together.
At the end of the registration period, we will assign you a team of two to three people. You will meet in the first bar at the specified time. We will reserve a table for each team in each bar under the name "BarFlirt".
All participating bars and restaurants are within walking distance of each other. After the first meeting, you will change locations (depending on the information in the e-mail).
Within the next seven days after the event, you can vote online for the people who particularly caught your eye. If you are mutually interested, you can exchange contact details and arrange a personal date.
After a successful match, your future together may soon follow. Whether as lovers or friends, you alone decide what happens next. We already wish you all the best!
Ready to find your match?

Let's move on!